I thought I’d enjoy every waking moment with my kids, and extended hours playing Barbie would be an amazing bonding experience with my little darlings. Routines would be perfect, and the kids would go to bed on time so I could enjoy a fabulous evening with my husband in peace.
When the kids headed off to school, their uniforms would be “to code” every day, and their hair would look just… perfect.

The thing is, life is really messy. For us parents, sometimes we manage, and sometimes we don’t.
Sometimes people tell me that I look like I’ve “got it together”. Social media and a flash of lipstick tends to do that.
The real reason that I (sometimes) look that way is because I have a trick that works rain or shine, Monday through Sunday.
My girls don’t get fancy hair do’s for school. In fact, they’re lucky to get much more than a ponytail, pigtails, bun, or plaits.
They get a pony and a bow, and out the door we go!

They never leave the house without a bow
A humble bow: it’s my smoke and mirrors trick that I use every day.
That bow polishes their look. At school, it completes their uniform, and gives them a sense of belonging. They look the part. At ballet, they look neat and tidy. And at sport, they look proud to be a part of the team.
Life can be chaotic. Hair doesn’t have to be.

The Story Behind The Fairytale
I can’t quite place ‘why’, but I’ve always thought a bow had the power to change the way your day went. Here’s how the humble bow went from being a staple in my hair, to the product that created my dream life:
Before School Ponytails “became my thing”, my husband was FIFO and I was on maternity leave with my youngest. I was in the same dilemma that so many Aussie mums face: juggling 2 little girls and a career, and a husband that only lived under our roof for 6 months of the year.
When we were prepping for my eldest starting Kindy, I excitedly ordered uniforms to the exact requirements of the school, and took pride in finding bows to match in just the right shade. Those first school pics would be proudly displayed on our walls for years to come, and shared with every Aunt, Uncle, Grandparent (and anyone else that would have one), and she was going tolook just perfect in her little outfit.
But I couldn't find any bows.
They were either:
- sold out in my very particular shade of blue,
- cheap-looking,
- or made to order, with a wait time and price tag to match.
I knew there had to be a solution, so I didn’t give up... I decided to get some made myself.
I sourced a factory to manufacture some bows that I liked, in my particular shade of blue, in styles that were classic yet contemporary, and of course:
would fit under a school hat and pass the Principal’s stringent standards.
They were amazing! In fact, they were so much of a hit that I ended up ordering in more for friends, then friends of friends, then friends of friends of friends.
Next thing I knew, I had an online store, a wholesale offer, and a concept for easy fundraising with school bows. It wasn’t long and my home was bulging at the seams with hair ties, clips, and headbands in all the colours of the rainbow.
I turned to my Dad for advice, who funnily enough had always suggested we would work together at some stage,and told him that “I might have started something that could really BE something”.

Nowadays, Dad works behind the scenes, taking care of our accounts, and we have a warehouse location in Perth’s south.
We hold upwards of $100,000 of bows (#thatsalotofbows) and fulfill thousands of retail orders and supply hundreds of schools and clubs annually.
The great news is:
my husband now doesn’t fly away for work. He’s occasionally found helping out (he went by ‘Joe the Bow Man’ for a while), and he’s frequently roped in to keeping our fort running while I work in to the wee hours to get my next project or improvements off the ground.
And my girls now always have the perfect bows for every uniform and every occasion!
That makes me feel like I have this mum-thing sussed!

As a mum, I’m not usually allowed to play favourites… but I do have a fave bow.
These are our Bowtie Hair Ties, and I made sure to take one of every colour home, so I have a quick and easy match to every outfit in my girls’ wardrobes.
They are my “go-to” bow because they work well with every single outfit
Every. Single. Time.

Our bowties can be worn as is, or the clips can be added to our Adjustable Elastic Headbands or Mix & Match Headbands. They can even be worn as smart-looking bowties for shirts!
I seriously love these bows... I could rave on and on about their versatility and simplicity all day long!
They’re available individually, or if you’re a little bit like me and you’d like to cover all your bases, I’ve created a big box full with every colour in our range. If you’re more of a clip fan, they also come with clips instead of ties.
I’m sure you’re love them too!- Nicola x

Our Brands
School Ponytails
School PonytailsShop our huge range of bows in uniform colours. Can't see your colours in our huge in-stock range? Customise!
Sports Day Shop
Sports Day ShopShop our awesome range of carnival gear in all your House / Faction colours!
Fundraise with Bows
Find Out MoreOur award-winning fundraising program is perfect: no cost, easy to run, done for you!